
Using Photon Fusion


Photon Fusion is a networking library for Unity. It's built for simplicity, while still giving you access to advanced features like data compression, client-side prediction and lag compensation.

Using Gameye with Photon Fusion is straightforward. You only need to wrap your Fusion Dedicated Server in a Docker container. You then upload that container as usual.

Once you have that, it's just three steps:

1. Set up your container registry

First things first, you need to set up your Dockerhub. You can see how to do this in our Getting Started section.

2. Ask support for an API Key

You'll need an API authentication token before you can start making calls. Just ask our support team over email, Discord or Slack and they'll securely give you the token you need.

3. Add your image to Dockerhub

Once we've sorted out your access, you must push the container to Dockerhub to trigger our webhook.

Get more information on Photon's site