Error handling
Our API returns standard HTTP success or error status codes.
If we can, we'll also include extra information about what went wrong in the response as JSON. The various HTTP status codes are:
Code | Title | Description |
200 | OK | The request succeeded. |
201 | OK | The request succeeded. |
204 | OK | The request has succeeded - No content (only relevant for the stop session API endpoint. |
400 | Bad Request | The request was bad. |
401 | Unauthorized | You're not allowed to do that. Make sure your bearer token is correct. |
404 | Not Found | That location, image or organization doesn't seem to exist. |
409 | Container ID has been used | The Container ID has already been used. Try a different one. (We recommend using a UUID.) |
420 | Session not started | We can't start the session. Usually, this is because there have been too many sessions in a short period. Try again in a minute or so. |
422 | Bad Request | Invalid data provided. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Our API has hit an error. |
503 | Service Unavailable | Our API has hit an error - unable to forward a request to an internal service. |
504 | Gateway Timeout | We couldn't reach one of our internal services. |